On first day for introduction, after placement test, Patricia commented me that my brain didn't realize mistakes so I made mistakes over and over automatically because I did use same wrong grammar and vocabulary for a long time. Accordingly, I think that I need to fix basic mistakes and then build strong english. During last 2 weeks, especially in GEAP class I tried to find out my weakness in Enlgish. So I'll cite the most serious weakness and mention improvement way for these problem from now on.
First of all, I usually use same vocabulary every time, and every situation. I think that Lacking of vocabulary causes this problem. So I really need to memorize plenty of vocabulary not only essential but various. And then I'll try to use in different situation including different person.
Second, I should check my grammar from basic to advanced one. Sometimes I made mistakes in basic grammar like singular or plural, past(perfect) or present or future tense, prepositon and so on. That's why I decide to study grammar book by myself. If I have some questions about grammar, I'll ask to teacher without hesitance. Therefore I can improve my grammar so I can speak accurately. With Vocabulary and Grammar I can communicate with other people much clearly.
Third, I am very poor at formal and academic writing. Because I'm not used to write in English especially formal writing. However Formal writing is essential to get my job I wish to go. In addition, I also need it if I want to go to postgraduate school. It's quite difficult for me because it also requires various formal vocabulary. However, It makes me feel challengable. If I had no problem, I didn't need to come here.
As realizing my weakness, sometimes I felt frustrated and disappointed. However I made a decision that is not to overrate my ability or under-estimate my ability and not to be hurry. I'm just beginner who started just 2 weeks ago. That's why I have more challengings than frustration. I remember helen's comment on my exam "Don't lose sleep worrying about it". I can do it!
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