Thursday, July 19, 2007

The most valuable possession, My Diary

If someone asks me what my most valuable possession is, then I will answer to this question that is my diary. That’s because my diary is containing all my memory of childhood, school life, some special reminiscences, and even hard time that I went through. As I read my diary again, it reminds me of some wonderful recollections and makes me indulge in my reminiscence. Otherwise, I used to regret about something wrong at that time in the past, and then assure not to do like that again and seek for another solution for the future. Therefore, my diary has functioned as mirror of my life which is past and will go on.

Since I was elementary school student, I used to write a diary everyday. That’s why I have kept all diaries from primary school diaries to up-to-date ones. Sometimes I take out old diaries in the back of a drawer and read through, and then I suddenly realized that I have grown up than before. Like treasure, I carefully keep them in the safe place. Until now on, I do write diary everyday in order to leave my thinking, attitude toward objects, and what happened at the moment. To make memory elaborate, I prone to attach souvenirs like photo, ticket or pamphlet and so on. After a long time past, it makes me to reflect on the past described on my diary. Besides it gives me the power from good memory and some clues to sort out the problem I face up to.

Therefore I’ve been making another diary as my possession with writing diary everyday. It must be my young life reminiscence as well in the future.